Product Description Writing Service

Best Quality Product Description Writing Service on the Internet

Long-Form Product Description Pages which Rank Highly in Google

An Imprint of Inteltab - Established 1997


Welcome to the best Product Description Writing Service on the Internet!

Product description pages are often thought of, for some reason, as the bottom end of the web content market. Well not any more! We don't think that's a very professional attitude.

I specialise in writing long form content, and one of the areas I specialise in is in product description pages. I have over 20 years' experience as a writer and SEO and I've written the content for more than 300 websites, in a huge variety of industries and sectors. Good writing and good SEO boil down to a handful of disciplines which writers and SEOs learn on their journey, and I've learned my trade in writing product description pages by writing them for ecommerce websites.

So I know what makes a good product description page, and I know what makes a great product description page. And my aim is to write great product description pages of the best quality for my clients.

You want your product description pages to stand out from the crowd and be ranked highly on Google and the other major search engines, right? There's no reason why writers shouldn't take as much care in writing and SEO-optimising product description pages as they would with the most finely crafted article. Make it shine so that the reader understands what your product is all about, what makes it different to other comparable products, and make it noticeable to the search engines as well.

That means all the things that your competitors are not doing, such as attending to the proper SEO, taking care with grammar and typos, and making the language flow so that it reads beautifully, using all the meta tags properly, using ALT tag text for images, using the “cliffhanger ellipses” method in the description tag that all experienced SEOs use to make people click through, and lots of other secrets and hacks that seasoned web designers and SEOs know how to use effectively to get you more visitors and greater sales!

It's been understood for some time that long-form content is ranked far higher than short content. There are several good reasons for this. The days of the 300 words article are over. You may as well not bother to write 300 word posts any more because the chances of them ranking highly in search are very unlikely.


The Importance of the Specialist in Writing Product Description Pages

I only specialise in a small number of things, and these are the things I’ve become very good at over the years.

For example, I can write sales pages, and my sales page writing is quite good. But it isn’t great. So I don’t offer sales page writing as a professional service, simply because there’s no point if I know that other people can do it much better.

But product description pages are what I’m really proficient at writing. It’s an art as well as a science. You’ve got the SEO things going on in the background, but you’ve also got the sweet beauty of it that hits the web visitor in the eye.

Writing which is easy to read, short paragraphs, adequate white space, no clutter, a pleasantly balanced page which suggests a pleasantly balanced product itself. The kind of thing that a person feels as well as thinks. It’s that intuitive process by which people decided in only a few seconds whether to buy it or not, whether it’s for them.


Sample Product Description Page

I’ve attached an actual example of a real product description page (called product-page-example.docx). I’ve also written a companion page to it which explains why it’s written the way it is. It would be useful to have a look at this product description page or print it off to read the hard copy as I go through the various parts of this page.

This is an actual product on a live website which describes an industrial duct fan used in hydroponic gardening. Despite being an industrial product, the website is written for otherwise average consumers who wish to take up hydroponics as a way of growing their own produce or perhaps even as a way of earning some money by selling the produce, in this case vegetables and herbs, which can be cultivated relatively inexpensively by using hydroponic gardening methods.

So there is quite a steep learning curve involved here; people will be keen to know which products will work best for their own intended purposes, the size of their hydroponic setup, etc. They want all the information they need to be able to make decisions about which product(s) to purchase in what looks at first to be quite a bewildering sector.

They’re also looking for advice about how to use the equipment, whether some fans are easier to set up than others, and so on.

So, in this case at least, people don’t just want a description of the product – they also want to know how it’s used, what other equipment they need to go with it, whether there are any additional gadgets or devices they need which will enhance performance or results, and things like that.

The questions “What”, “Why” and “How” will be constantly in people’s minds as they look through this information, and what they’re looking for at the start is for a website they can trust and which speaks to them in a voice and tone which they can relate to.

This product description page gives them all of that in sections headed as follows:


How to Decide Which Model of Fan

How the Fan Works

How to Use the Fan


How/Where Do I Buy the Fan


Notice that I’ve used the main keyword for this product (which is a composite of the possible search terms that people may use when searching for this fan) at strategic points throughout the page. The object of this, and the whole point of SEO, is to get this product page ranked as high up in the search results as possible for these search terms. This will lead to more people seeing this product page (rather than any competitor’s) and will therefore lead to more people buying this product.

But, as you’ll see, getting a high placement in the search results is only part of it. At the same time as the page sells authority to the search engines, it must sell trust to the reader.

The search terms are inserted into the various key elements of the product description page, including the meta tags, and in the body text. By carefully doing this it will have a greater chance of achieving a higher ranking (which is why I always work to a template which ensures that nothing is left out).


Meta Data on a Product Description Page

I begin with the meta data. Immediately below the top heading are the four meta data sections:

Title tag (this is arguably the most important element in any web page, as it is a no-nonsense signpost which tells search engines specifically what the page is about: I use the composite main search terms here; it is limited to 55 characters).

Description tag (this is the description which appears in the search results listings rather than what can be read on the page itself (although it may well mirror this) and it is limited to 155 characters; I try to make the description slightly longer than this, which has the effect of piquing the searcher’s interest if they see something that resembles a question which remains unanswered, as it will end in ‘…’ ellipses. The point here is to get people to click through because they want to satisfy their curiosity).

Keyword meta tag (Google no longer pays much attention to this as it has been so abused in the past by keyword-stuffing, but it remains an opportunity to include, or to legitimately repeat, some descriptive words or short phrases, and to include the main search term; I also try to include the “buying version” of the main search term. All the words and phrases here must appear in the main body text, and duplicated or similar words or phrases should not be placed next to each other in this list; 160 characters max.).

ALT text (this is a short description of the image of the product; it will appear if the image does not show in the browser, for whatever reason. It also shows if you hover the mouse over any image. It’s limited to 100 characters and should be another opportunity to use the main search term, although it’s surprising how often this element is not used at all on many websites).


The Body Text and Headings on a Product Description Page

Everything below the meta data section is what is visible on the opened web page.

The writing flows smoothly and informatively. The tone is friendly and informative, yet authoritative as well.

The first section features a bullet-pointed list. Google loves bullet-pointed lists so you should have at least one of these in each product page.

Remember that all the elements you see here are to impress on Google and the other major search engines that this product description page is better than all the other pages which describe the same product, in order that it is listed above the other pages (the pages from your competitors’ websites) in the search result listings.

People want a good, full-bodied description of the product, and how to use it, what they need to use with it, what its requirements are, and so on. By supplying all of this I’m building up people’s confidence in the page and in the website.

A general introduction leads into more detail, and then gets further into usage, how it works, and so on.

During the course of this there may be references to other products which need to be used with this fan; I would like to these other products on the page itself, as all of these are perfectly legitimate ways of upselling and side-selling related product from your site, thereby increasing the potential revenue from each web visitor.

It is important, when doing this internal linking, to open the new page in a new tab and to leave the original page open, so that the “bounce rate” does not suffer as a result. The bounce rate is one of the known metrics that Google uses in ranking web pages: if a page closes too quickly it is judged to be unworthy so will not be ranked well, if at all.

After the flowing prose of the first few sections comes the specification section. Here we see key facts all presented neatly in the same place in a no-nonsense way. Again, Google’s search bot will notice this and reward your page accordingly by giving it a boost in ranking with each of these enhancements that competitor product pages may not have.

The final section of the product description page is the Call To Action (CTA), which is a brief reminder that you can buy this product directly from the website. There should be some kind of link here which takes the user directly to the start of the purchase process.

Notice also that I’ve used the “buying” version of the keyword in the CTA section. Featuring the “buy + search term” keyword is useful if people are searching for this with the purpose of buying it, as they will often type the word “buy” before their search terms.

While a relatively very small number of people will do this, the conversion rate of those who do is phenomenal. So by making sure you have the “buy” version of the search term included in your product page you’ll ensure the page will be listed near the top of the search results and is more likely to be clicked by people using this type of search keyword phrase.

To put it another way, not to include the “buy” version of the search terms would mean that you’re throwing away those small number of crucial people who are ready to buy. So it makes sense always to include it!

Notice that I have the “buy” version in the CTA heading, the body text and in the keyword meta tags.



The Ideal Number of Words in Long-Form Product Description Pages

The length of any web page is usually measured in the number of words in the content, and it’s now acknowledged that the closer an article is to an optimal number or words, depending on the kind of content it is, the more of a chance that article has in ranking highly in Google’s search results.

But how long should a really good product description page be?

SEO experts have been saying that the optimal length of a general article is anywhere between 1500 and 2500 words, depending on who said it and when it was said (generally the optimal word count for the highest ranked content has been rising since the subject was first seriously discussed around 2015, after the most punitive of Google’s algorithm updates had taken its toll and left us with a more or less even playing field.

For a general article I like to work to around 2000 words and upwards. I’m also aware of the need to future-proof the rank and integrity of the content I write for my clients. So if a 1500 word article will rank well today I wonder if I should make it 2200 words so that it will continue to rank well for my clients in 2030 or 2035.

The reason for these higher word counts are several, but the main ranking factor at play here is “dwell time”. The longer a person keeps reading any given content, the more the likelihood that this is writing which is relevant and has quality, because the reader sticks with it. Google knows this and will infer the quality from how long readers stay with the article.

I’ve already mentioned the “bounce rate” above, which is considered to be high if people click out of pages or back to the previous page. Web pages with a high bounce rate will not rank highly, Google reasons, because it does not deserve to; if people are abandoning the article then it can’t be much use.

By the same token, the more time a web page remains open and active then the more that content is perceived to be enthralling the reader and keeping the reader’s interest.

Bounce rate and dwell time are both known and measurable ranking factors that Google uses to assess where any web page deserves to be ranked in the search result listings. So it is the behaviour of readers and web users, and their response to the content, which determines this assessment of any web page.

Of course, if an article is too long then there is a risk that the reader will abandon it simply because it is too long. In this case, the reader will not tolerate sticking with it throughout its entire length and will abandon it at some stage.

Therefore there is a sweet spot which web content writers must find – not too long and not too short – and this sweet spot will vary with the type of content which is being read. For product descriptions the word count, I suspect, will be less, on average, than 2000. But again, care must be taken to future-proof the article. I don’t want my work to rank well for three years and then be overtaken by a client’s competitor pages simply because they’re 400 or 500 words longer.

(It should be worth noting that, of course, word count isn’t the only indicator; other things like the presence of video on a page should increase dwell time, as long as the video is interesting and comes along at the right time in the content of the page to pique the web user’s interest; different forms of content such as graphs and charts will also increase interest and thereby increase dwell time as well.)

It’s always worthwhile looking at the competition and making sure that your word count is higher than theirs, as well as the media they use; it’s never a bad rule of thumb to do that. What is less certain is how you can succeed in making your product description pages future-proof.

As I mentioned near the start of this article, the days of the 300 word piece are over. Make no mistake, those days are well and truly behind us. Right now it seems that product description pages need to be between 800 and 1400 words long, depending on the product and depending on the industry or sector, and the competition.

It surely depends to a great extent on the industry or sector. If I were to write a description page about two inch nails, for example, I suspect I’d be hard pressed to write anything more than 500 or 600. But there are always ways and means if that is what is required. Most content is good content as long as it’s relevant, informative and doesn’t bore the reader.










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